You acknowledge and accept the Sparx Analytics LLC privacy policy, which can be found at
You acknowledge and agree to let Sparx Analytics LLC use any information you submit, including but not limited to your profile at the time of registration and course surveys, in aggregated or blinded (i.e., removal of your name) form for any purpose.
If providing a testimonial at any time, you acknowledge the following:
I hereby authorize The Company to copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the Testimonial for purposes of publicizing The Company's programs or for any other lawful purpose. These statements may be used in printed publications, multimedia presentations, on websites or in any other distribution media. I agree that I will make no monetary or other claim against The Company for the use of the statement. The Company may abbreviate my name, affiliation and testimonial for the promotional material but only in a way that still implies its original meaning (e.g., The Company may replace my name with a generic title, The Company may select a subset of the Testimonial to use for promotional material, The Company may correct punctuation or spelling). If at any point I would not like The Company to use my testimonial, I have the right to email [email protected] and request it no longer be used on future promotional materials. Previous uses may remain as there is no guarantee they can be completely deleted from social media sites.
In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, wherein my likeness or my testimonial appears.
I hereby hold harmless and release The Company from all claims, demands and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.